Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The sign at the Metro Station


“The Train Ends Here”

“Yatra Samapat”

... I walk on...


Devika Jyothi said...

A Frostian view, Mampi :)


Pinku said...

your journeys can never end.....cause even when you rest your mind races to new destinations.

Oreen said...

or a beginning, perhaps?

Sidhusaaheb said...

Coffee for Spiderman? :P

S.. Diva said...

nice Mampi! Long time since I hopped by...

Manish Raj said...

some trains are unlucky...

How do we know said...


Mampi said...

Devika-Thanks sweetie, it is good to see I am remembered.

Pinku-Very well said.

Oreen-The feet know best.

SS-Coffee WITH Spiderman, I would say.

Sneo-Good to see you here and good to know you remembered me too.

Manish-Unlucky, cos they cannot carry me further? ;)


Writers Anonymous said...

wow, that is exactly how we can put into words the journey of life. T.S. Eliot wrote, "In my end is my beginning."
Life is a never-ending journey indeed.

sunshinesafar said...

Back finally!

Great to see a post. Walk on... there is another train to another unknown destination...

..and u know what.. there always will be :)

Liju Philip said...

hamku bhi pilao kaapi.

Life Begins said...

Short and sweet and says it all. Profound as always!!
Welcome back !!

Rajindarjit said...

Beautiful post after a long gap.
Carry on please!

Phoenixritu said...

Did I read that right? The TRAIN ends here??? It cant you know, and neither can the journey

Mampi said...

Amritbir-Yes, one got to keep walking.

Sunshinesafar-I love your name. Yes, there will always be an unknown destination. Journey is an end in itself.

Liju-Ao India toe Kaapi pilate tumkoo.

LB-Thanks my dear.

Mama-Thank you.

Ritu-Bilkul sahi. Go to a metro terminal and you will see the sign.

UL said...

loved this one.

Anonymous said...

I second everyone...beautiful yet stark...

Mayank said...

First visit to your blog and definitely not my last. Not today - am on a slow connexion today.